Closed Buttersilo Apparatebau GmbH (APV) HRS Buttersilo


Hamburg, Germany



ManufacturerApparatebau GmbH (APV)
ModelHRS Buttersilo
Serial Number31251/2
Stock Number983
Type of MachineButtersilo
Volume3.000 liter
Motor2x ± 4,0 kW - 380 V - 1.400 rpm
Dimensions300 x 130 x 240 cm
Weight± 1.200 kg


Closed stainless steel butter silo. The horizontal buffer silo is equipped with 2 transport augers (driven by 2 independent motors of 1,1 kW - 380 V - n1: 1.400 rpm - n2 / auger speed: 7,7 rpm). Inside dimensions: ± 205 x 105 x 185 cm. Total volume: 3.000 liter. Manhole on the backside (diameter 41 cm). Light connnection. Infeed on the top for direct connection of the outfeed pipe from a Continuous Butter Machine (CBM). Breather connection on top. CIP cleanable. Outlet connection plate with 3x flange product connections on the outfeed of the silo with draining valves. Including 2x APV butterpumps with motors: ± 5 kW.

Additional features:

2 Dents on the outside (front). No effect on the working of the silo.


- Spraybowls in the silo itself (they are available in the outfeed of the silo).